24-28 March 2025
Term 1 | Week 8
Book Week Begins!
Book Fair in the hall
-Between 8:30am - 9am & 3:00pm - 3:30pm
Year 3/4 EOTC
-9am at Omana park
Craft & Knitting Club in the hubs
-After lunch eating in the hubs
Book Fair in the hall
-Between 8:30am - 9am & 3:00pm - 3:30pm
Author visit
- Junior -11.30-12.00
-Senior -12.00-1.00
Gardening/ Envirowise club
-After lunch eating outside Room 10
Book Fair in the hall
-Between 8:30am - 9am & 3:00pm - 3:30pm
Year 5/6 HPPA Inter-school Swimming Day
- Available to purchase for lunch via Dollar for Schools online www.dollarforschools.co.nz
Book Fair in the hall
-Between 8:30am - 9am & 3:00pm - 3:30pm
Book Character Parade
-9:15am on the basketball courts
Year 2 Kākanō (Gardening) Club (Yr 2)
-After lunch eating.
Bike Club
-From 1pm
Book Fair in the hall
-Between 8:30am - 9am & 3:00pm - 3:30pm
Dominos Pizza Lunch
- Available to purchase for lunch via Dollar for Schools online www.dollarforschools.co.nzChess Club
- In Hub 8 at lunchtime.
Ukulele club (Y4 - Y8)
-Meet after lunch eating In Rm 10.
Whole School Assembly
Freezy Friday
- $2 ice blocks for sale outside the staff room at 3pm. $20 prepaid Freezy Friday cards available at Reception.China Trip Fundraiser Dinner
-Tickets on Sale now from the office or the Beachlands Chartered Club.