3-7 March 2025
Term 1 | Week 5
Year 7/8 Immunisations
-In the school hall
Craft & Knitting Club in the hubs
-after lunch eating in the hubs
Gardening/ Envirowise club
-After lunch eating outside Room 10
- available to purchase for lunch via Dollar for Schools online www.dollarforschools.co.nzY5-6 Cricket Day 1
-Lloyd Elsmore Park
Y7-8 ECCS Swimming
-Massey Park Pool
Year 2 Kākanō (Gardening) Club (Yr 2)
-after lunch eating.
Bike Club
Peer Mediator Training Day
-In the Libraray
Own Clothes Day for Ponui
Phase 1 School Swimming sports
-9:15am – 12:45pm
Dominos Pizza Lunch
- available to purchase for lunch via Dollar for Schools online www.dollarforschools.co.nzChess Club
- in Hub 8 at lunchtime.
Ukulele club (Y4 - Y8)
-Meet after lunch eating In Rm 10.
Freezy Friday
- $2 ice blocks for sale outside the staff room at 3pm.