Casey the Caterpillar is a handwriting programme we use in our junior and middle school at Maraetai Beach School.
The programme is based on a story about Casey the Caterpillar who hatches out of an egg and meets lots of different things or shapes on her journey to be a butterfly. From Casey, the things, and the shapes she meets the students learn memorable, visual code that supports the correct formation of letters and numbers. Attached is a link to the story of Casey.
At Maraetai Beach School Literacy is taught for an average of 60 minutes per day including dedicated lessons as well as integrating Literacy into other curriculum areas. This helps them to see the relevance of Literacy and how it connects to real life.
Our expectations are as follows:
Planning is based around MBS goal sheets
Lesson are planned based on students goals
Teachers notice, recognise and respond to students strengths and next steps and adjust planning accordingly
Teaching/Modelling Time
Time extending previous learning or introduce new skill/learning (whole class)
Whole class instruction will vary from year groups but will include
JUNIORS: Phonics, Poem and Big book response
MIDDLES: Phonics, Poem and Chapter Chats
SENIORS: Chapter Chat and Break away target group
Group work/Independent tasks
Teacher will work with small groups or 1:1 to consolidate reading skills and their individual next steps for writing
Independent tasks are linked to next steps and classroom organisation for reading will depend on age and teachers preference eg Follow up activities, task board, follow up activities, must do/can do, book Club, literacy circle, reading rotation
Reflection time
Reflection time at end of writing session to allow students to share work
Students to reflect on writing and how they have shown progress against goals
Opportunity given for peers to reflect on work.
Forming Numerals numbers have the same formations as letters, with the addition of a snail shape.