24-28 March is BOOK WEEK!
Get ready for our own book character parade on the 27 March at 9:10 am

Kia Ora! We value people and accept uniqueness.

Most students achieve at or above curriculum expectations in literacy and mathematics.

Students live the school values enthusiastically every day.

The school curriculum is highly effective in promoting student self-efficacy.

The school has established a strong school ethos and inclusive culture.

Teachers skillfully co-construct learning with students and support them to achieve.

School values are embedded throughout the curriculum and highly visible in stimulating classroom environments.

A responsive, bicultural curriculum that is underpinned by high expectations for student success.

Welcome to Maraetai Beach School

Meeting place by the Sea. Safe water 
- Ngāi Tai Ki Tāmaki

Welcome to Maraetai Beach School

In 2025, our team is committed to providing excellent education in a supportive environment.

I hope every child feels a sense of being “Ko au te Maraetai, te Maraetai ko au” —Maraetai is me and I am Maraetai. Together with whānau and the community, we help every child feel valued and achieve their best.

Lou Reddy, Principal/Tumuaki

Our School

Learning in an exciting, challenging, secure and safe environment

  • Maraetai Beach School is a full primary (Years 1 to 8) at the beautiful Pohutukawa Coast in East Auckland.

  • Our learning community provides an exciting and challenging curriculum designed to extend all children’s horizons in a secure, safe and learner-focused environment.

  • We have very strong parent and community involvement and highly value these partnerships.

  • Our students are a very special group, friendly, confident and strongly motivated to learn.

  • At Maraetai Beach School we structure and plan all we do around our strategic focus.

Our Vision


We have a strong set of school values integrated through all aspects of school life.

We stand on the Whenua of Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki (Ngāi Tai) who are the original inhabitants and Iwi of Tāmaki Makaurau.